The Hudson River Valley Review Available Online

The Hudson River Valley Institute (HRVI), a center of excellence at Marist College, has made all issues of The Hudson River Valley Review available online in full-text for a limited time. The Review is a biannual, peer-reviewed journal of regional studies that takes an interdisciplinary approach to the diverse history of the Hudson River Valley. During this challenging time, HRVI invites you take advantage of this digital resource and peruse the nearly twenty years of articles, regional history forums, book reviews and more available on HRVI’s Digital Library https://www.hudsonrivervalley.
Founded in 2002, the Hudson River Valley Institute is the academic arm of the Hudson River Valley National Heritage Area, and supported by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. In addition to publishing The Hudson River Valley Review, HRVI provides a variety of educational and historic resources on its Digital Library, and produces the Handel-Krom and Cunneen-Hackett Lectures in Hudson River Valley History annually.